why me??!!!....

T___T..ape seyh arie nie....dry pgi smpi blik...huhu....sobsobsob...=P....mse kt trafic light saujana....kete papa aq stop la coz lmpu mrah...yg nyott nye...hha...line sblah 2...ade 4 kete kancil wne perak....XD....aq x tw mcm mne or knpe??...haiyaa....ape seyh...so aq pk la...coincidence....hoh0....

n then....da smpi skola....aq bkk jewk pn2....dyeorg dpan mte aq....peh!!...SHIAL bt0l...hha...da la td 6pk ala2 kete dye.....jap lgy 6pk dye..aiy0o....knpe nie??....why???....=P..

mse rhat trsrampak lgy....aq wt stupid jewk r....hha...=P....dye as usual la...hye awak...hye faiza...nyott!!....aq x ske la...=='...mse blik lgy la...huh..myampah i..hoh0...n then..mse nk jln blik g tmpat td...fami gut...pnggil aisyah...hha...XD...mnx no fon coz nk mnx tl0ng...ape la...hha....lwak3...ape seyh...nth ape2...weird...

main point dye ade r.....knp mst aq???....why me??...=='....xde org laen kew??....ape seyh....klau la aq ley rewind mse....aq kn rewind smpi 4.1.10.....n then aq play blik...hha....mse 2....aq da pndi nk wt plihan....tp ape kn dye...ceh2 ayt...hha...aq x ley rewind....let the past be gone....=='.....tp dye x nk gone pown...nyott!!....hha...sdih bt0l aq....hha...asyik2 trsrmpak.....nk kte coincidence...x kn la arie2 nk mke dye...haiyaa...x ley bla la siot...huh....hhaa...k2..aq x nk mrepek pnjang....so bubbye....xoxo...
♥ Thanks for reading..luv yaa ♥